Event Dates
Mar 11 2023
Museum of Indian Culture
2825 Fish Hatchery Road
Allentown, PA 18103
The Ancient Art Of Flintknapping: Beginner's Workshop
Sat. from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Museum members: $25; Non-members: $35; Materials Fee: $15. Register on website. This is the first of two workshops offered. Learn how to make your own arrowheads from local stone—an ancient skill mastered by Native Americans thousands of years ago! Flintknapping is the process of reducing large cores of raw stone in a controlled manner with special tools to produce sharp projectile points or tools. Natives of North America have produced the finest flint and jasper projectiles and blades in the world. These pre-historic artists are the inspiration for modern day flintknappers. Now is your chance to learn the basics of this ancient and highly specialized process. Thirty-year flintknapping veteran Rich Poirier will walk you through the step-by-step process of using percussion flaking techniques to make a biface or arrowhead from raw flint.