Event Dates
Jul 22 2023
Mario Lanza Museum
1214 Reed Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147
Mario Lanza Museum Luncheon
Enjoy a lunch of hoagies, pasta salad and more, plus a complete showing of the film Serenade starring Mario Lanza, Joan Fontaine, Vincent Price and Sarita Montiel. Admission price: $35 per person. Lunch will be from 1:00pm – 1:45pm. Movie starts promptly at 2:00pm. Checks should be made out to Mario Lanza Institute and mailed to Mario Lanza Institute 1214 Reed Street Philadelphia, PA 19147. Call for information or to make a credit card payment. Seating is limited and on a first come first paid basis. No refunds or credits. No exceptions. Street parking. Please RSVP by
July 15, 2023 and let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.