Event Dates
Sep 16 2023
Clinton County Fairgrounds
98 Racetrack Road
Mill Hall, PA 17751
Clinton County Farm-City Festival
Third Saturday in September; free admission and parking. Children’s crafts and games, vendors, contests, and fun for all! This event celebrates agriculture’s important relationship to its urban neighbors in creating stronger and healthier communities. National Farm-City Week, always the week ending on Thanksgiving Day, is a time to reflect on our blessings, and focus on the common ground between farm and city residents in our rural, suburban and urban communities. Pennsylvania has the largest rural population of any state in the nation, along with some of the most productive industries and farms. But as suburbs continue to grow and replace farmland, there is sometimes a lack of effective communication between our rural and urban neighbors. Americans enjoy an economical food supply. It takes only 38 days for most Americans to earn enough money to pay for their food supply for the whole year. Compare that to the 129 days to earn enough money to pay for all your taxes! Without farms, cities would have no food. Without cities and towns, farmers would have no markets and processing facilities for their products. The link between our farmers and urban dwellers is vital to economic opportunity and economic progress throughout the state.