Event Dates
Jun 28-29 2024
Good Neighbor Craft House
9650 Renovo Road
North Bend, PA 17760
Bands in the Bend
One weekend packed with live music and local vendors! We’ll be outside on the band stage, so bring a lawn chair and get ready for a great time. Camping will be available. Tickets on sale now: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/807119545287?aff=oddtdtcreator
Friday 6/28: Eventide, Troy Love, Dell Sylan Stragglers, Chris Carl, Allan Combs III, Sean Farley
Saturday 6/29 :The Teacher and the Poet, Charles Darwin & the Knuckle Draggers, Clark McLane Band, Private Stock Trio, Dan Hess, Chris LaRose & the Hex Highway Blues Band
Vendor list coming soon.
Tickets are $45 per person for the entire weekend.
Tent camping $55 per person for the entire weekend and includes 1 ticket.
Camper parking $90 for the entire weekend and includes 1 ticket.
**No outside food or drink permitted.