Event Dates
Apr 6 2025
Historic Dreibelbis Farm in Virginville
356 Hard Hill Road
Hamburg, PA 19526
2025 Native American Spring Celebration
Our historic farm is on the site of the largest American Indian settlement in eastern Pennsylvania. On Sunday, April 6th from 1 to 5 pm with the help of the Hawk Mountain Chapter 31 of the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology, the Dreibelbis Farm Historical Society will celebrate local Native American culture and heritage at the historic Dreibelbis farm in Virginville. This outdoor event will feature History and Storytelling, Native American Flute music, crafts, education and demonstration activities (like Bow & Arrow, Atlatl and Tomahawk-throwing) along with displays of ancient Indian artifacts. Visitors should bring a chair and join in this uplifting, historical experience. The event is free to the public and will be held even if light showers are in our area. Parking is on-site, and monetary donations will be gratefully accepted. The Historic Dreibelbis Farm is located on Route 143 south of the village of Virginville.