Event Dates
May 10 2025
Blue Spruce Park
60 Blue Spruce Rd.
Indiana, PA 15701
Take a stroll to learn about local flowers and “weeds” and their edible and medicinal uses. Then enjoy some of those “weeds” in tasty treats. Dress for the weather: if raining hard it will be an indoor slide show; if light drizzle, they will do the walk. Please pre-register by emailing Cindy at rogers944@comcast.net by May 5, 2025.
Other Events in the Region
- Capacities of Care | Curated by Aaron Knochel
- The Partnership: George Marshall, Henry Stimson, and the Extraordinary Collaboration That Won World War II
- Speed Dating 30’s and 40’s!
- The Clay Studio presents Resident Artist Exhibitions: Josephine Mette Larson, Liisa Nelson, and Jinsik Yoo
- The Bison Bead Project | Community drop-in workshop