Event Dates
Nov 18 2021
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Lunch & Learn With Chandra DeBuse
Chandra DeBuse is a ceramic artist making functional pottery in Kansas City, MO. She incorporates a feeling of play and amusement in her work by using narrative imagery, patterns and forms. Join Jennifer Zwilling in talking with Chandra DeBuse about her inspiration and her process (and what’s with all those squirrels?!). DeBuse’s pottery is functional with narrative imagery, pattern and forms to amuse and delight the user, imparting a sense of play. The approach in creating her work reflects make-believe imagination, characters and landscapes of leisure. She uses bouncing lines, candy colors, low relief and hand-drawn elements to encourage a sense of discovery and exploration. DeBuse’s training in psychology and the experience working in a shelter helped support the ideas of what she wanted her pottery to be. She wants her ceramics to reflect uplifting moments and contribute to a person’s positive outlook.